"Daddy, when I am a grown up, can I wear your underwear?"
Jackson is my raison d'être. I while away my days as a stay-at-home dad. Like any parent, my kid is usually a major focal point of whatever I'm doing. By default, he's the most frequent model and muse on this site.
This isn't truly a daddy blog, however. At least, not designedly. But the kid does take up most of my time and energy. My days are spent with him, our travels are influenced by his presence, and our expat lives are reflected back to us by him. Over the past couple of years he has spent nearly every waking hour with me; only recently has nursery eaten into that time. He's my constant companion; my interrogator; my pride and my exasperation; my protégé and my master; my worry and my triumph. My mini-me.
Blood. Tears. Mayhem. That's how it would end.
They were across the room. I could see Jack's windup. He wasn't moving in slow-motion — life's not a genre of fanboy stylized violence, like a Tarantino film — but in real time. Even if I had foreseen the danger, I'm not fast enough to stop a blow from 30 feet away.

11:30 Girls at barbershop dote on Jack,
plying him with his first taste (i.e.,
dozens) of Gummi Bears. Jack
sees no reason to leave after
completion of haircut.
11:55 Jack holds my hand while he walks
Sumo-style down the sidewalk
toward the car, obstructing
A boy and his free iPad
He cups his hand on the outside of my shoulder, looks deeply into my eyes, just inches from my face — Coach instructing his player — needing to explain, earnestly, ever so earnestly, he knows I'm slow on the uptake and he must help me understand: "Dad. Dad. I want red iPad."

Is Jackson truly cross-cultural? His memories of the United States are vague at best; the States are simply a faraway place where the rest of his family lives. If he knows any culture, it's Scotland's.
But how much culture does a toddler — eeek, he's now a "preschooler" — really encounter?
"I love you a little bit more than my stuffed elephant."
More links you might enjoy:
Dragon visit
Our first Halloween in Scotland
He needs his own pair
Jackson gets a fresh perspective

"That mommy hair . . . I don't like it."
You may not know Jack, but these'll help you get to know him:
• "I want to be on television. Play golf. I want to be white guy."
• "Go have a beer, Mommy and Daddy. Please. Go have a beer, and then come back and get me. Please."
• "Can I go inside and show that lady my balls?" Umm, your GOLF balls, right?
• "This is the biggest blueberry I have ever seen in the whole universe!"
• "Dad, you have to play choo choos. You can't just stand around looking fancy."
• "Mom, you need to learn not to lock me out of the bathroom when you're in there."
• "You know, Dad, it's much quieter around here without all of Mommy's talking."
• "Fingal kicked me in the willy!" {Pause} "Mom, what's a willy?"
"Daddy, you're a good man. Like Santa Claus.
You give me presents."
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