When you move to another continent, you figure you probably won't see many people you know. But in our seven weeks here in Glasgow, we've already had five houseguests. We also have visited with three more old friends in Edinburgh when they popped into town for a wedding. We're expecting one or two visitors in August, and at least two more houseguests in September.
What are we, a hotel?
Truthfully, it has been fantastic to have so many friends and family from home visiting us. Our first and still current houseguest is Kate's mom, Ginnie, who generally is called "Grammar" around our house. Why is she called "Grammar" instead of "Grandma"? Her name was coined for her oldest granddaughter and grandson, Macie (age 11) and Garrick (age 9), who know their grandmother is a grammar maven. Hence, "Grammar." She will (gently) correct your grammar. She actually knows the difference between
laying down and
lying down. When Kate was growing up she would ask, "Mom, will you make me a sandwich?", and get the reply, "Poof, you're a sandwich!"
Self-portrait by Katie with her mom while hiking in Glen Coe. |
Grammar has been here since we arrived in Scotland. She flew with us from the States to be a helper and babysitter and cook. When Kate and I have been busy with tasks and errands such as buying a car or having the satellite television installed, she has taken over childcare duties to allow us to get things done. It's remarkable how much a toddler can slow you down, so Grammar has been worth her weight in gold. She also helps with household chores, makes some meals (the best ones), decorates and beautifies with gardening, entertains the wee one, and provides general good cheer. By the time she leaves in mid-August we'll have squeezed out two months of work from her.
Jackson's toddler perspective of his Grammar. |
Our other four houseguests were Kate's oldest sister, Tracy; Tracy's husband, John; their daughter, Macie; and their son, Garrick. They left last week after three weeks with us. It was a fun packed household, five adults and three kids. Fortunately, our townhouse has four (small) bedrooms, with a playroom/bonus room which functioned as a fifth bedroom for Macie and Garrick. We were able to buy and assemble a double bed and single bed from Ikea before they arrived, so Ginnie and Tracy and John had beds. Macie and Garrick were stuck with just an air mattress, but didn't seem to mind. We haven't bought a dining table yet -- we're in the market for a drop-leaf table that can be either pushed out of the way or expanded as needed -- so mealtime was often on the couch and chair and floor, a usefully communal style of eating that kept everyone relaxed and our toddler entertained.
Ringing the bell on Her Majesty's Yacht Britannia, (l) to (r): Tracy, Garrick, Macie, John, Grammar, Kate, Jackson, Brian. |
We did a lot of touristing with Kate's family, even though Kate was hard at work in her new job. We all spent a weekend in St. Andrews, and sans Kate we visited multiple cities on day trips and explored our local environs. Tracy and John and their kids also headed north for a couple of multi-day trips into the highlands for some sightseeing and hiking. We tried to cram as much into their trip as we could, but hope they'll return at some point for even more.
From the first day of their visit, Macie and Garrick were Jackson's new favorite people. We would hear through the baby monitor first thing in the morning, "Garrick? Macie? Wake up, Garrick!" We'd go into his room and instead of the usual "Mommy!" or "Daddy!" he'd ask "Macie?" or "Garrick?" Jackson followed them everywhere. They spent endless hours entertaining him, whether playing with Duplo Legos, kicking balls, going to the park next to our house, or riding in the car together. While he usually scoffs at holding mommy's or daddy's hands as an affront to his toddlerhood, Jackson happily held hands with Macie and Garrick to walk down the sidewalk. If we had thrown a sheet over him he would've looked just like E.T. waddling down the street holding hands with Elliott and Michael on Halloween. They were his moon and stars, his alpha and omega. He still hasn't processed that they have left to return home. If he sees a car parking near our house, he asks, "Garrick here?"
As for our other visitors, we were able to have a (too quick) visit with my longest-term friends, Karen and Dan, and Karen's husband, Will. I have known Karen and Dan since they were born; our mothers have been best friends since growing up in Cleveland. Karen is the first girl to see me naked -- aged around 2 or 3 months old, as we bathed together. When I grew up, their parents were "Aunt" Sally and "Uncle" Glenn, and Dan and Karen were my "cousins." My fondest family memories always include them at Thanksgiving or Christmas, playing games or sledding or causing mischief. Dan and "Aunt" Sally even came to Raleigh before Kate and I moved to Scotland, for a "Thanksgiving in May" farewell.
Lunch in Edinburgh, (l) to (r): Jackson, Brian, Karen, Will, Kate, Dan. |
Karen and Dan came to Scotland for a friend's wedding in Edinburgh, so I insisted on imposing by going to visit them while they were nearby. We had only a few hours to eat and wander and chat, but it was great to see them. From my not so subtle inquiries at lunch, it seems that Karen, Will, and Dan all have skills that would easily transfer to the job market here in the U.K. "Uncle" Dan and "Aunt" Karen really should consider moving to Scotland, so we can create new holiday traditions.
Jackson is quite pleased to have Dan tote him through a garden in Edinburgh. |
Fleeing gleefully from Karen. |
All of these 'Murican visitors have kept at bay any feelings of homesickness. That should continue into the fall, at which point we don't have any visitors scheduled. {
Ed.'s note: there are at least two spare bedrooms for any folks itching to visit.} It's both busy and energizing to have so many visitors. They have prevented us from unpacking . . . umm, who am I kidding, they've been a useful
excuse to stop unpacking! Meanwhile, they have been a great excuse to go be tourists. Will we be lonely once October rolls around and we're left to ourselves?
NB: While Tracy is the oldest of my three daughters, she is the older of Kate's two sisters. Just sayin'... Grammar
ReplyDeleteGrammar strikes again! :)